Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Patching In Public & Update

Recently I have read the questions about patching in public and what to expect, well here is our experiences,

I know that it can be very difficult to deal with your little one's self consciousness while at the same time trying to make it as normal as possible.  At first I didn't know whether or not to patch in public because I didn't want Isa to be made self conscious by other people. We had tried since she first started patching not to make a big deal about wearing the patch, but I couldn't help but worry.  My husband Jon was the one who convinced me that I shouldn't be concerned and to just try to make it as normal as possible for her. There were occasions when out in public, people, especially adults would stare, point, or ask why she was wearing it. I tried to ignore the points and stares so that Isa wouldn't feel self conscious.  I think that I noticed it a lot more than she did. When she did notice I would just tell her that maybe they were admiring her patch.  I would remind her that she uses her patch to help her with her eyes and not everyone has it, so it maybe it is just something new to them. As for the questions, I would just say we were doing vision therapy and explain to her again that to some people it is something new. I would also remind her of her manners and remember that even if something is new to us doesn't mean we stare or point.  As her mother it would frustrate me so much that adults were so rude and it made the situation harder for me to deal with just because I didn't want my little one to have to go through it. However most of the time Isa didn't even notice :)

For the most part we kept patching while at home just because we found that she would fall more often while being active or walking because she would lose some depth perception.  We did however find that even if there were those "uncomfortable moments" while patching in public it was best to do it at least once in a while so that she understand that it was nothing that she had to hide or be ashamed of.

Isa started full day school last week and is also fighting a cold so she has been very tired and unfortunately that means we have been seeing a lot more turning out of one of her eyes than we would like : ( I am still questioning whether we should have stopped the patching?  I will wait at least until she is over her cold and a bit more adjusted with her new schedule to see whether or not I should call Dr. S and see what the next step in this journey is.

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