Please keep in mind that I am not a doctor and have no medical background. I am just writing based on my experiences and occasionally I may get things wrong.
A few weeks after surgery Jon and I had bittersweet feelings. We were happy because Isa had not experienced any double vision but was still experiencing the occasional outward drift in one of her eyes. We were worried as to what the next step was going to be, was the surgery not 100% succesful, would we have to do it again? We knew that having to reoperate was a very real possibility but we didn't want it to be so soon.
We both went to her next appointment. We were happy to hear that her prescription had changed for the better with the surgery and that surgery had been 100% succesful in one of her eyes!!! However, her other eye was still experiencing a slight misalignement but a definte improvement from prior to surgery. I have to admit that I did have some feelings of discouragment when Dr. S said one eye was not sucessful.
Dr. S. said that he thought patching would be enough to help the one eye. We had stopped patching post surgery because at the time everything seemed to be succesful. We allowed her to pick out a new patch. Dr. S's office has a pretty nice supply of them for sale in their optical department. Isa thought it was really cool that she didn't have to patch any more after surgery since she had already done it for so long, but since she is such a sweetheart she said she woudn't mind having to do it again. We were lucky that we got to wait to do the surgery until an age where she was able to get an idea of what was going on and understand it, at least on a basic level.
We patched post surgery since October of last year and two weeks ago we had our most recent appointment with Dr. S. Dr. S said everything looked great and that at least for now we could stop patching! Yay, we were so excited about this!!! However I was cautiosly optomistic because we have been there before and had to go back. I also worried that stopping the patching would make the problem worse so I felt hesitant to stop. However, I trust Dr. S, who is a wonderful doctor and like my friend said, "I guess if you don't stop you will never know if it works or not". This news couldn't have come at a better time. During this time we had just found out of anther medical condition that we would have to tackle with Isa, femoral anteversion surgery.
We don't have a follow up appointment with Dr. S for another five months which I pray brings good news. I am happy to report that so far we have only seen a drift once or twice since the appointment. Here is to hoping we can keep things moving foward but we will deal with whatever comes our way with much determination just like my sweet Isa! I can't say enough how proud I am of that little girl who started Kindergarden today:) She has been a strong and brave girl through all of this. I get my courage from her strength!
Barbara, thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. This has been quite an experience but we will get thru. It seems like Isa is very brave and cooperative. What a blessing! Rachel