Friday, September 14, 2012

Eye Update and a Few Other Things

While at Disney I have to admit that Isa had a few instances of her eye rotating out (during the six days we were there). I would like to think it is because she was exhausted from everything going on, but truth be told I think me saying that is just an excuse. It is something that I am going to have to bring up to the doctor during her appointment in November.  I am scared of what is to come but for right now I can only deal with one surgery at a time.  I am hoping the doctor will have her start patching AGAIN even if it is just to postpone another surgery. 

We had a lot of fun at Disney but I have to admit that it was very draining! It did get our mind off the surgery! As soon as we got back, within hours actually (got home at 4 am and by 7am we were off to school, no worries Isa got plenty of sleep ;-)) I was back to my busy schedule. I haven't had much time for anything other than taking Isa to school, school volunteering, and taking the kids to their extra curricular activities that again I have no time to REALLY think about what is to come in less than two weeks!!! I have a busy schedule for the following week as well so I should be able to stay a LITTLE sane without thinking and pondering all the time the what if's and double guessing our decsision.

I have to say that I am extremely thankful to God that although Isa does have some health issues they could be FAR worse.  I admire mothers who have children with medical conditions especially with serious conditions, it takes a lot to be able to do it, emotional and physical!

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