Saturday, September 1, 2012

Do you occasionally allow your kids a candy bar? UnReal Candy Review

Everyonce in a while I will do product reviews on products that I come across and really like or don't like that might or might not be of interest to a is one of them.
I recently tried Unreal Candy Bar  # 5 which is an equivalent to Milky Way with the kiddos.  As part of I was invited to a Unreal Candy campaign, they sent me coupons for one free Unreal candy and several coupons for BGOF.  If you haven't heard of BzzAgent you should totally check it out.  They send me tons of free stuff to try out and review and then spread the Bzz about it via word of mouth.  You never have to lie and say you like the product, you just give an honest opinion on whether you like the product or not and talk with people and not at them or spam anyone. 

Any who,Unreal is suppose to be an unjunked version of a candy candy bar with no corn syrup, no artificial ingredients, and no preservatives amongst other things. Isa and Max thought it was great, but I haven't come across a chocolate bar that they dont' like yet!  I love Milky Ways so I was more critical. While I must admit I am not a huge fan of giving my kiddos candy (Grandma will attest to this!) I do once in a while and I would feel better about giving them something that doesn't have all the extra artificial ingredients and preservatives.  I took my first bite thinking, "yeah right is this going to taste as yummy as a Milky Way", but I was pleasantly surprised!  The caramel is what stood out the most, it was very rich :-)  It tasted just as good a Milky Way and even better without some of that junk!!!

If you are like me and do give your little ones candy once in a while, you may want to give this a try to at least take out some of the junk out of the junk food!

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